Local Chinese Government Launches Its First Blockchain Platform

The government of Anhui, a province in eastern China and a part of “Yangtze River Delta Economy Region”, has officially launched its first blockchain platform for providing government services. The launch occurred on April 30, according to local news reports.

Starts with local law sector

“Blockchain + Electronic Certificate and License” is also the first application being launched on the government’s blockchain platform, says the report. The application will initially place lawyer’s practice licenses on the blockchain. This will help to provide better transparency and authentication in the sector. The license explains that: 

“[...]The newly-online electronic license has the functions of viewing usage records and management records. Each authorized action system will automatically record and store certificates, and all usage actions. This will prevent fraud, enhance the security and credibility of the electronic licenses.”

According to the report, The Provincial Data Resources Bureau and the Provincial Department of Justice are also carrying out similar pilot projects in Bozhou city on judicial administrative certificates and licenses. The government plans to extend these applications to the Yangtze river delta region.

The local government aims to adopt more e-government blockchain applications on the platform in the near future. Their goal is to more fully digitize the government’s infrastructure, reduce bureaucracy, and provide more efficient services. The report added that: 

“[...]It lays a foundation for cross-departmental and cross-regional joint maintenance and utilization of government data and improves cooperation.”

Blockchain adoption in China has grown throughout April

As Cointelegraph reported, China launched its nationwide Blockchain-based Service Network for commercial use a few days ago. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, or ICBC, released the first blockchain white paper for the bank sector. The city of Chongqing also launched its first provincial-level Blockchain Innovation Alliance.

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