US Seafood Giant Bumble Bee Foods to Use SAP Blockchain Tech in Supply Chain

North America’s largest branded shelf-stable seafood firm Bumble Bee Foods has launched a blockchain platform for seafood traceability. The project was created in collaboration with German tech company SAP specializing in enterprise software, according to a press release on March 8.

Based on SAP Cloud Platform Blockchain service, the new platform can purportedly monitor the supply chain of yellowfin tuna from Indonesia to end customers.

The announcement was made at the annual industry conglomerate South by Southwest Conference (SXSW) that is taking place from March 8 to March 17 in Austin, Texas, United States.

Customers will purportedly be able to observe the entire supply chain, and access information on products’ origins and shipping history by using a smart device to scan a QR code on the product package.

The blockchain-stored data will include the size of the catch, the point of capture, as well as information about authenticity, freshness, safety, and trade fishing certification.

Oliver Betz, global head and senior vice president of SAP Innovative Business Solutions, said that blockchain technology, “creates transparency and traceability across the food supply chain...”

Recently, French retail giant Carrefour applied blockchain technology for tracking its milk supply chain. Consumers will be able to see the GPS coordinates of farmers whose animals’ milk was collected, get information about when the milk was collected and packaged, as well as find out about various stakeholders involved in the product line.In January, the Food and Drug Administration of the Chinese Chongqing Yuzhong District announced it will implement blockchain technology to improve monitoring of food and drug quality assurance.

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