City of Pensacola fighting Sean’s Outpost

Published at: March 20, 2014

We’ve reported before on Sean’s Outpost, the homeless center in the Florida Panhandle financed through cryptocurrencies, and we here at Cointelegraph are big fans of the work they’re doing.


In 2013, the charity raised more than 200 BTC, which directly allowed them to serve 30,000 for the city’s approximately 500 homeless, and it allowed them to establish the Satoshi Forest as a city refuge where the homeless can go to be free from hassle by the police or anyone else.


Sounds great, right? Well, Bitcoin Not Bombs reported Wednesday that the city of Pensacola is pushing hard to get some of those activities shut down.


“The city and county have repeatedly stood in our way and hindered our efforts through trumped up citations and now with no prior notice, the Escambia Board of County Commissioners authorized the county attorney to file an injunction on Sean’s Outpost,” the post reads.

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