Brazil plans to track COVID-19 vaccinations using blockchain tech

Published at: Sept. 24, 2020

A recent YouTube webinar from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security hosted discussion on blockchain's usefulness in several categories, including the fight against corruption. Blockchain's impact on COVID-19 tracing also surfaced during the discussion. 

A report from Reuters at the beginning of September clarified that the country is not likely to push a mandatory vaccine, while Sept. 9 news reported by MercoPress estimated a 2021 debut date for a COVID-19 shot in the country. 

Brazil now plans to use a blockchain-based system called the National Health Data Network, or RNDS. Constructed using the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain framework, the system keeps tabs on anyone who has received a COVID-19 vaccination, said the Ministry of Health's coordinator of systems development, Elmo Raposo Oliveira. 

Oliveira added:

“So the Covid-19 vaccine will already be within our RNDS structure. So, when you get the vaccine you will already hit the RNDS here and we will already know who took it."

Following each injection, the system receives data regarding which folks got the vaccine, and uploads that data to the blockchain. "RNDS 'objective is to promote the exchange of information between the points of the Health Care Network, allowing continuity of care in the public and private sectors," Oliveira explained.

The system reportedly allows for greater case and vaccine tracking, data efficiency and clarity. RNDS also includes other patient information, such as treatments and medications received. 

The country currently embraces a type of COVID-19 shot which is resulted from a collaboration between the University of Oxford and British pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca — called the Oxford Vaccine. Brazil also currently has its eye on a China-based vaccination called CoronaVac — stemming from collaborative vaccination efforts between the two countries. 

The news from Brazil comes at a controversial time in the world, in which tracking and COVID-19 vaccination efforts often headline news

This story was first published via Cointelegraph Brasil by writer Cassio Gusson.

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