How to get premium high-resolution metaverse and NFT images

Published at: April 15, 2022

You’ve probably already heard of the nonfungible tokens (NFTs) craze as these colorful, almost cartoon-like pictures. And, when you think of the Metaverse, you already see a bright and virtual world viewed from your avatar. 

With NFTs, most people think of Bored Ape Yacht Club or the famous CryptoPunks. But, what we all want to know: How to get metaverse photos? Or, maybe you’re wondering how to get NFT images? Here’s how to brighten up your virtual life.

Do you want to buy, download or create metaverse images?

First of all, you need to decide if you want to download the colorful images or create them yourself. Let’s start with the easy part: downloading the graphics for a virtual lifestyle. Think about pictures for your platform or maybe even a fancy metaverse wallpaper in 4k resolution.

Download free metaverse images

When you’re not in the creating mood but want to enter the metaverse, you can use metaverse pictures created by someone else. There are, of course, legal boundaries, because when someone else’s blood, sweat and tears are in the graphics, it wouldn’t be morally or legally right to take it and call it your own.

There are certain licenses that are recommended to follow if you want to avoid financial or legal ramifications of infringement. When you want to use metaverse photos or metaverse graphics for free, you should be looking for the ones with a Public Domain of Creative Commons (CC) license.

The details in practice vary between countries because art may be subject to copyright in one country and be in the public domain in another country. In Australia, for example, the parliament enforces copyright laws, but in the Netherlands, copyright is governed by Dutch copyright law.

It’s important to look for trusted sources so you can use the images with a fitting license with confidence. Some of these sources are FreeImages, Wikipedia Commons, Google LIFE photo, Adobe Stock, Pixabay, Pexels and Unsplash.

Sometimes platforms offer free metaverse and NFT images, but they are, in fact, licensed incorrectly. You may still run into trouble despite paying close attention to the licenses. There are two options for those who want to protect themselves:

Buy image rightsCreate your own NFT images and metaverse photos

Buy metaverse graphics

Buying metaverse graphics is actually the easiest way to be sure about your rights. When you want to buy the rights to an image, you have to pay attention to your budget. These costs can add up considerably, ranging from one dollar to hundreds of dollars per image.

Let’s take a look at the licensing process of a picture on the platform of Adobe. Start by searching for your favorite image by using the search tool. Use the keyword “metaverse” and “free to use" to see a couple of results.

Looking a little closer at the image, you will see the licensed label, as shown below. It’s free, but it’s licensed. What does this mean?

It means that even when you download something for free, even with the best intentions, you could use it wrong. In this case, Adobe applies for different licenses from standard (the one in the picture) to enhanced and extended versions.

The standard license is free and one can use the images at no cost, but they may not be used in merchandise, templates or other products for resale. The number of copies and views of these Metaverse premium high-resolution pictures is also limited to 500,000 times, which can be a stretch when running a successful platform.

Related: What is augmented reality and why is it important for the Metaverse?

Create your own metaverse and NFT graphics

But, what if you don’t want to take any risks and don’t want to buy these metaverse stock photos? Maybe creating them is just the challenge you’re looking for. When you want to start designing your own NFTs, metaverse profile pictures or metaverse background images, you can use apps and software programs such as Adobe. But, there are also ways to create content with your virtual reality (VR) goggles.

You may want to download the proper application to your device to start off. Android users can use Photo Sphere for free and iOS users can download Splash for free. Both of the apps are designed to help you make 360-degree videos or photos so you can hop on the virtual reality train.

Related: Project recognized as one of the top metaverses by Forbes releases business license NFTs

Tools to create metaverse graphics yourself

With some kind of design software, you can create the kind of graphic or even NFT images you want. There’s no difference between making a picture of a sleeping cat or a random avatar in a glowing and colorful futuristic world. It’s another style, but the techniques are the same.

If you want to go for a 3D design, that’s a different story. You can also use more specific software that is made for more immersive storytelling. For virtual reality or even augmented reality purposes there are lots of tools available like Adobe’s Aero. With this tool, you can “blur the lines between physical and digital experiences.”

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