Applications news-Page 9
Can Applications Communicate Over Blockchains?
The author Benedikt Herudek pushes the frontiers of decentralized systems in describing how Turing Machines can communicate over Blockchains. We will suggest introducing Turing Blockchain Machines, using Blockchains as a Turing Tape. Turing Machines are a simplified yet powerful Model for Computability and the every-day life programs we design and use. We introduce them as a ‘Gedankenexperiment’ on an abstraction of Blockchains as Turing Tapes with specific features to try to answer the question, if applications could communicate over the Blockchain. This endeavor is connected to the question, how far we can push Software Decentralization and with them human relations …
Decentralization / May 19, 2017
Uproov: Blockchain Timestamping Goes Professional, Notary Offices Decline Begins
Uproov, a new and upcoming app for smartphones, is going to be the first to bring “heavyweight” real time global timestamping to the world, allowing anybody the ability to prove virtually anything without the need of “trusted” authorities. Timestamping is a process where certain information is wrapped in a block of the blockchain, thus engraving it “forever”. The concept is nothing new after the advent of Bitcoin, of course, and several online timestamping services have spawned in the past years:, Proof of Existence, OriginStamp, BitSig and BitProof. Timestamping Replacing Notary Functions What can you do with a timestamping system? …
Blockchain / Dec. 14, 2015
21 Inc Reveals Profit Sharing Technology Plans in Patent Application
On October 15, 2015, The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published 21 Inc.’s (21) patent application 20150294308 for “Digital Mining Circuitry.” Matthew Pauker, then CEO (now Chairman) alongside his co-founders are listed as the inventors. The application reveals how mining circuitry in various devices can be used to profit share or share in bitcoin (or other cryptocurrency) rewards with a number of participants in the scheme. Earlier this year, 21, a company whose name is homage to the maximum number of bitcoins to be mined (21 million), announced that it raised a record US$116 million in venture funding. …
Mining / Oct. 19, 2015
Ethereum Prepares for Take Off
Ethereum, the decentralized application and smart contracting platform prepares to shoot the starting gun, as their Frontier release reaches 99% 98% completion. Miners, who have been waiting a year since the crowdfund, have begun sharpening their GPU pick axes. [Update: Another bug seems to have been added over night, bringing it back to 98%] Imagine a day when you want to go meet some friends for a drink. You pull out your iPhone 13, open the decentralized uber app, and using your preferred cryptocurrency, you pay for a smart cab. The vehicle has no steering wheel. It does not need …
Blockchain / July 20, 2015
Local Restaurant 'Gifting' App adding Bitcoin and Alts for Payment allows users to pay for literal drinks, coffee or food at local restaurants from anywhere in the world. Soon, it will be incorporating Cryptocurrencies. is a local gifting app that goes a step beyond the likes of Groupon by allowing users to purchase items directly off of a restaurant's menu for their friends and family at anytime from anywhere. In an exclusive for Cointelegraph, they are announcing their upcoming acceptance of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin and Blackcoin, with more altcoins possibly to follow in the future. will reportedly be using the platform, enabling them to accept virtually …
Adoption / March 24, 2015
LazyCoins Launching LazyPay Mobile Wallet and Merchant App for the Point-of-Sale Bitcoin Market
UK-based altcoin exchange LazyCoins has announced they are relaunching their online exchange, along with a mobile app for payments and merchant services. Aiming to expand their services to include mobile payments and merchant services, LazyCoins will be moving into direct competition with industry leaders BitPay and CoinBase's own merchant apps. LazyCoins is entering the fight to provide merchant services in the digital currency world. This was one of the growing trends at the end of 2014, with several companies such as BitPay launching new apps to attract physical retailers to Bitcoin. The attraction of low-to-zero processing fees is a great …
Applications / Jan. 4, 2015
Circle Releases Apps for iOS and Android in Continuing Search for Mainstream Users
On Monday, Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire announced the launch of the company’s new native apps for both iOS and Android. The apps join an elite class, previously dominated only by Coinbase, of smartphone tools that allow U.S. users to buy or sell Bitcoin on their mobile devices. From the first interaction, you can tell clean design was a priority. Minimalism is emphasized and the features are well laid out; there’s no confusion finding what you are looking for. Along with facilitating the purchase and sale of Bitcoin, the app lets you send and request money using your phone’s email contacts …
Bitcoin / Nov. 6, 2014
Swarm to Demo Five Decentralized Projects on Guy Fawkes Day
Crypto-crowdfunding platform Swarm announced last week it would hold a demo day on Guy Fawkes Day for five decentralized projects, and applicants are already being screened for the event. Cultural note: Guy Fawkes Day is the 5th of November, remember, remember? Fawkes tried to blow up the House of Lords in London in 1605, and his visage has been made famous through V for Vendetta and the activities of Anonymous as a symbol of rebellion. That same ethos of revolution is at the heart of what Swarm is trying to do with its demo day. “The world needs a more …
Applications / Sept. 30, 2014
UPDATE: Cointelegraph Mobile App Crowdfunding Campaign Moving Forward
Cointelegraph recently launched a campaign in an effort to crowdfund its new mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms, whose progress you can monitor on the official Indiegogo page, here. With 19 days left and US$860 collected or 28% of our goal reached, the people have expressed their desire to make the mobile app a reality! An ever-increasing amount of users are browsing the web on their mobile devices and a dedicated, snappy, easy-to-use app will improve functionality, appearance and overall user experience for our readers. To get a better idea of what the new app has in store …
Bitcoin / July 22, 2014
Cointelegraph is Crowdfunding its First Smartphone App
An increasing majority of Cointelegraph readers view our stories on mobile devices, and we want to make it a better reading experience for them. A dedicated mobile app will allow users to access their favorite content with one tap and, therefore, will streamline the user experience, improve the visual appearance and functionality of the website on mobile devices and, most importantly, will make your favorite cryptocurrency news website look and feel the way it was intended by bypassing mobile web browsers. That’s why we have created an IndieGoGO campaign to crowdfund the development of a state-of-the-art app for both iOS …
Bitcoin / July 16, 2014