Blockchain Capital news-Page 2
Bitcoin ‘Waiting for Reasons to Go Higher’, Says Blockchain VC Partner Spencer Bogart
Blockchain Capital partner Spencer Bogart compared Bitcoin (BTC) to a “tinderbox” July 26, telling CNBC prices could grow further due to multiple “catalysts.” Speaking to CNBC’s Fast Money, Bogart, who is regular commentator on the network and on cryptocurrency social media, adopted a notably bullish tone compared to just weeks ago when Bitcoin was trading around $6,000. “Any number of catalysts could send bitcoin exploding higher,” he forecast, adding: “Bitcoin is kind of a tinderbox right now, waiting for reasons to go higher.” Bogart’s increasing optimism adds to a popular narrative in the cryptocurrency industry that has grown out of …
Bitcoin / July 26, 2018
A Crypto Company Could ‘Overtake’ Wall Street’s Biggest Banks, Says Blockchain VC
Spencer Bogart, a partner at Blockchain Capital, said that other banks will follow Goldman Sachs’ example in opening a crypto trading desk, according to CNBC’s Fast Money today, May 4. Goldman Sachs reported yesterday that they would soon open a trading desk for Bitcoin (BTC) contracts after being “inundated” with client requests. Although Bogart told CNBC that the news is “definitely a big step,” he doesn’t think that it’s a “perfect solution, that all of a sudden now just opens the floodgates to the institutionalization of Bitcoin.” Bogart added that his reasoning that banks will follow Goldman Sachs is not …
Bitcoin / May 4, 2018
Online How-To Platform Partners with Blockchain Startup to Boost User Security
Online guide platform wikiHow and the Blockchain startup Civic are partnering up in their bid to bolster users’ login security. Under the collaboration, users of wikiHow will be able to swap out their old login methods for Civic’s mobile application (app). wikiHow offers various guides and how-to articles on different subjects. The website was founded by Internet entrepreneur Jack Herrick in 2005. According to Civic, wikiHow users who use its app can avoid the pitfalls of handling passwords and usernames that are vulnerable to cyber theft. "The simple, quick process verifies Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to ensure ownership of the …
Blockchain / Aug. 26, 2017