Chain news-Page 3
Rangers Protocol launches Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible testnet
Rangers Protocol has opened its testnet to users, aiming to provide an Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible solution that supports cross-chain contract interoperability. In a Friday announcement, Rangers Protocol said it had successfully migrated its first DApp to the testnet, which went live on July 19. The project migrated an Ethereum-based lending protocol, BlueStone, to the testnet, a move that Rangers described as “smooth and developer-friendly” given its Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM, compatibility. Though there are seemingly alternative solutions utilizing Solidity-friendly blockchain technology, Rangers Protocol is branding its testnet as useful to “new developers without blockchain background knowledge.” Individuals interested in …
Technology / July 23, 2021 deploys its Ethereum Virtual Machine chain testnet
The chain testnet allowing projects built on Ethereum to transfer over to its ecosystem from chains compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine is now live. In a Tuesday announcement, said it had launched the testnet for its Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EVM, chain called Cronos, running in parallel to the chain. The chain is aimed at providing developers the ability to move projects from Ethereum and EVM-compatible chains to the ecosystem, giving users greater access to DeFi features like smart contracts. “We are going to provide full support for developers building on Cronos: technical, funding, marketing — …
Technology / July 20, 2021
Blockchain will stay a buzzword until everyone unites behind one chain
Despite being, perhaps, the biggest tech buzzword of the last decade, blockchain technology has largely remained just that: a buzzword. While its best-known implementation, Bitcoin (BTC), has become a household name, the technology that underpins it remains little more than a mystery for most. By and large, this can be attributed to slow progress in the adoption of the technology for consumers and businesses, caused by divided attention. Rather than a collective push to build advancements only on the Bitcoin blockchain, we’ve instead seen a clamor to build too many alternate blockchain platforms. Resources that could have been used to …
Adoption / Sept. 30, 2020