Ecb news-Page 9
Most Germans Skeptical About Facebook’s Libra, Only 12% Welcome It
About 71% of German citizens are skeptical about Facebook’s Libra stablecoin, while only 12% welcome it, according to a survey published by German financial association Bürgerbewegung Finanzwende on July 23. Most Germans already have an opinion Notably, the survey also showed that almost every one of the 2,093 German adults surveyed had an opinion on the matter, with only 17% saying that they are not sure what to think about the stablecoin. Furthermore, 52% of the respondents also pointed out that Facebook’s impact on society is already problematic today, and over a quarter (26%) stated that they believe further growth …
Altcoin / July 24, 2019
European Central Bank Policymaker Says Stablecoins Not Cause for Alarm
A European Central Bank (ECB) official has stated that users should be aware of the risks associated with the stablecoins use, but not to be alarmed. As Reuters reported on July 18, member of the ECB’s governing council and president of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann said that stablecoins — digital currency designed to minimize price volatility by being pegged to another asset — offer users opportunities for prosperity, however users should be vigilant in regards of the associated risks. Weidmann delivered his comments at a news conference at a meeting of the G7 finance ministers and central bankers. “There …
Altcoin / July 19, 2019
Trump Vs. Bitcoin, Japanese Exchange Hacked | Coffee and Crypto
In the premiere episode of the new Cointelegraph series “Coffee and Crypto,” head of editorial Olivia Capozzalo and head of news Molly Jane Zuckerman discussed the latest news in the cryptocurrency industry. Latest news in the cryptocurrency industry In the video, Capozzalo and Zuckerman discuss United States President Donald Trump criticizing Bitcoin (BTC) and Facebook’s Libra stablecoin, the European Central Bank’s recent statements about Bitcoin, and whether BTC is a currency. Zuckerman also talked about the hack of Japanese exchange Bitpoint, which yesterday published the breakdown of crypto assets stolen in the 3 billion yen (~$27.8 million) hack of its …
Bitcoin / July 17, 2019
EU Central Bank Won’t Add Bitcoin to Reserves — Says It’s Not a Currency
The European Central Bank (ECB) doubled down on its dismissive stance on bitcoin (BTC) July 9, refusing to recognize it as currency in a Q&A session. Responding to a private query as part of its regular interactive Twitter program, which it administers under the hashtag ‘#AskECB,’ the bank said it had no plans to add bitcoin to its reserves. “Bitcoin is not a currency, it rather is an asset and it is very volatile,” officials wrote quoting chief economist, Philip Lane. The response continues the ECB’s underwhelming reaction to cryptocurrency it has already propagated in other public statements. In May …
Bitcoin / July 10, 2019
European Central Bank Exec Calls for Fast Regulatory Action Regarding Libra
European Central Bank executive board member Benoit Coeure said that financial regulators must act fast to prepare for Facebook’s Libra stablecoin, Bloomberg reports on July 7. Per Bloomberg, Coeure argued on Sunday in Aix-en-Provence in southern France that allowing for the development of new financial services and asset classes in a regulatory void is irresponsible. He concluded: “We [financial regulators] have to move more quickly than we’ve been able to do up until now.” According to Coeure, the development of digital assets has exposed gaps in current financial regulations, and underlines banks’ slow rate of adoption of new technologies: “All …
Altcoin / July 7, 2019
European Bank Official Discusses Potential Benefits of Central Bank Digital Currency
A European Central Bank (ECB) official highlighted the benefits of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) while stressing caution in a speech published by the Bank of International Settlements on May 27. Vitas Vasiliauskas — Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania and a member of the Governing Council of the ECB — delivered his speech at the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee conference "Managing the Soft Landing of the Global Economy" on April 12. Vasiliauskas specifically considered whether CBDCs should be wholesale, retail, or both. Vasiliauskas stressed that CBDCs should serve as a medium of exchange, a means of …
Altcoin / May 27, 2019
European Central Bank: Crypto Does Not Have Tangible Impact on Real Economy
The European Central Bank (ECB) stated that cryptocurrencies do not have implications on monetary policy or factor into the real economy in a May report. In the report dubbed “Crypto-Assets: Implications for financial stability, monetary policy, and payments and market infrastructures,” ECB looks into the potential impact of digital currencies on economic developments and monetary policy. The bank specifically states that such implications could occur should cryptocurrencies became a credible substitute for cash and deposits, while currently they do not fulfil the functions of money. The bank further says that cryptocurrencies’ deployment remains limited, with a small number of merchants …
Altcoin / May 17, 2019
ECB President Mario Draghi: Cryptos Are Not Currencies, They Are Very Risky Assets
European Central Bank (ECB) president Mario Draghi said that cryptocurrencies are not real currencies during the ECB Youth Dialogue meeting with the winners of the Generation €uro Students’ Award, as Cointelegraph Italia reported on May 9. During the meeting, Draghi answered a question about cryptocurrencies asked by one of the winners of the award: “Cryptocurrencies or bitcoins, or anything like that, are not really currencies — they are assets. A euro is a euro — today, tomorrow, in a month — it’s always a euro. And the ECB is behind the euro. Who is behind the cryptocurrencies? So they are …
Bitcoin / May 9, 2019
European Central Bank: ‘No Plans’ for Digital Currency, Cash Demand Growing
The European Central Bank (ECB) has “no plans” to issue its own digital currency, President Mario Draghi told the European Parliament Wednesday, September 12. Addressing a query by MEP Jonás Fernández, Draghi said “substantial development” was still needed in the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies before the Central Bank would consider using them. “The ECB and the Eurosystem currently have no plans to issue a central bank digital currency,” he summarized: “Nonetheless, we are carefully analysing the potential consequences of issuing such a currency as a complement to cash.” Explaining why no plans were afoot at the ECB, Draghi drew attention …
Bitcoin / Sept. 14, 2018
European Central Bank’s Mersch Says Banks Should ‘Segregate’ Crypto Trading
European Central Bank (ECB) board member Yves Mersch has said that banks should “segregate” their dealings in cryptocurrencies from other activities, Reuters reported May 14. Reuters quotes Mersch as raising concerns over the high volatility of crypto markets, emphasizing that digital tokens “do not qualify as money,” and that their issuers, as well as dealers, exchanges, banks, or clearing houses, should be regulated. Mersch reportedly noted that even at its peak market capitalization in January 2018 – which Mersch mistakenly reports as $432 bln rather than the actual $800 bln – the crypto market is still too small to threaten …
Bitcoin / May 15, 2018
European Central Bank to Discuss Bitcoin and Blockchain With Youth
One of the three major questions that the President of the European Central Bank will be answering via a series of videos on Feb. 12, 2018 is about cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Mario Draghi will respond to the selected questions, whether Bitcoin offers a viable alternative to traditional currencies as well as comment on the ECB's view on its technology, provided they are submitted by Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018. Europeans aged between 16 and 35 can also ask questions around three main topics: possibility of a new global economic crisis, cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, Europe’s economic recovery and youth unemployment The session …
Bitcoin / Jan. 20, 2018
Italy’s Central Bank Addresses ECB, Clarifies Bitcoin’s Legal Status
Italy's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), an organ of the Central Bank in charge of combating money laundering and terrorist financing, issued a statement warning digital currency businesses to stay vigilant regarding suspicious activities due to the lack of AML/KYC requirements for Italian companies. In light of previous statements issued by the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Banking Authority (EBA), and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the FIU made a public announcement on February 2, emphasizing on the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing that are facing 'virtual currency' businesses. While Italian businesses involved in digital currencies such …
Central Bank / Feb. 5, 2015