Factom news-Page 2
APR 16 DIGEST: Peter Todd Foresees Greater State Interference in Crypto, Stellar adopts SCP Protocol
Peter Todd, a Bitcoin core developer has outlined his view that more regulation on all levels is on the way for the digital currency sector; Stellar adopts SCP protocol proposed by a Stanford professor; Gavin Andresen has called ex-Bitcoin Foundation board members Shrem and Karpeles a “black eye” for the organization, and other top stories for April 16. Peter Todd expects greater, and more in depth, government regulation of Bitcoin Bitcoin core developer Peter Todd warns that he expects increasing governmental regulation within the digital currency sector, not only at the level of exchanges and services, but possibly also within …
Stellar / April 16, 2015
CoinAgenda’s Best Startup Winners: 3 Companies to Keep an Eye On
BitAngels has named the winners of its startup competition, which was held earlier this month at the CoinAgenda conference in Las Vegas: Zebpay took home first prize for its easy mobile wallet, which is still in pre-launch mode. Blockchain recordkeeping service Factom took home second prize. Hardware security startup Rivetz took home third. Each of these projects was selected from a group of 20 semifinalists, each of whom pitched their ideas at CoinAgenda, which ran from October 7–9. This coming Sunday night at Money20/20, both Factom and Rivetz will present at the invite-only Coin Debut showcase. “We were blown away …
Zebpay / Oct. 31, 2014