Green Technology news-Page 6
Blockchain helps determine ‘green’ parking price in Munich
Artificial intelligence specialist and blockchain solutions provider Datarella have announced the launch of a “Smart City” infrastructure trial in Munich on Nov. 12. The trial will be centered around the Connex Buildings business center in the city and will use a multiagent blockchain-based AI platform to optimize parking space management at the building. This is designed to encourage reduced car use and, hence, reduced CO2 emissions. Autonomous economic agents will negotiate the “price” of parking spaces between the operators and users. Users will be rewarded for choosing less-popular parking spaces or not using the parking lot at all. Rewards …
Technology / Nov. 12, 2020
GM and Honda publish specs for decentralized electric car charging network
The Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) has launched a global standard for integrating blockchain technology into a decentralized vehicle charging network. The storage of excess energy generated by wind or solar is a big problem for the renewable energy industry as batteries are very expensive. But electric vehicles already have significant storage capacity so there's been a lot of work around plugging them into decentralized energy grids to store renewable energy. MOBI’s Electric Vehicle Grid Integration (EVGI) Working Group's first design specifications seek to lay the foundation for decentralized charging networks that better utilize excess green energy, detailing systems for …
Technology / Oct. 8, 2020