John Mcafee news-Page 3
John McAfee’s Ghost Distributed Exchange Now Live
John McAfee’s controversial Ghost distributed exchange is now live, the cryptocurrency advocate announced on Twitter over the weekend. The Ghost distributed exchange is related to McAfee’s privacy project Ghost, a Proof of Stake privacy coin intended for more anonymous transactions. McAfee clarified on social media that Ghost will replace the McAfeeDEX distributed exchange. The Ghost main net itself is expected to go live on June 22. Ghost has been the subject of contention for months especially after McAfee himself admitted Ghost “copy-pasted” parts of its white paper from PIVX. Even so, he seemed poised to sue PIVX--an open-sourced protocol--for defamation. …
Technology / June 22, 2020
John McAfee Calls His Own $1M Bitcoin Price Prediction 'Nonsense'
John McAfee, an eccentric cryptocurrency advocate and British-American entrepreneur, in a tweet called his own previous prediction of Bitcoin price hitting $1 million a total “nonsense” adding that people who believed his “absurd” forecast should “wake up”. McAfee used the whole North America continent GDP as a comparison reference to explain why his call was just a joke, stating that: “If Bitcoin ever hit $1 mil, it's market cap would be greater than the GDP of the entire North American Continent.” McAfee moved on from Bitcoin In his recent tweet, McAfee labeled Bitcoin as “the most crippled” crypto technology. This …
Bitcoin / May 31, 2020
John McAfee Admits Ghost ‘Copy-Pasted’ From PIVX, Threatens Lawsuits
Eccentric cryptocurrency advocate John McAfee admitted his anonymity-oriented project Ghost “copy-pasted” parts of its white paper from the documentation for open-source privacy coin PIVX in a series of tweets today. He nonetheless appears to intend to sue PIVX for defamation. Ghost vs. PIVX — a brief recap Earlier this week, PIVX developers claimed that the Ghost white paper was plagiarized from an outdated 2018 PIVX white paper. According to them, “At least 20 of the 26 total pages” of the Ghost whitepaper “contain material directly plagiarized from the 2018 PIVX whitepaper.” At the time, a representative for Ghost explained to …
Technology / May 20, 2020
McAfee's Privacy Coin Ghost Is Plagiarized, PIVX Developers Claim
John McAfee’s anonymity-oriented Ghost project has largely plagiarized its whitepaper, according to developers of privacy coin PIVX. “After a detailed investigation, it is obvious the GHOST whitepaper was plagiarized extensively from an outdated 2018 PIVX whitepaper,” PIVX tweeted on May 17. PIVX developers went on to conclude that “at least 20 of the 26 total pages” of the Ghost whitepaper “contain material directly plagiarized from the 2018 PIVX whitepaper,” attaching a number of screenshots to back their claims. “PIVX is a MIT licensed, open-source project,” a representative for the blockchain told Cointelegraph, arguing that it can be forked “as long …
Blockchain / May 18, 2020
Craig Wright’s Satoshi Case Goes to Trial July 6
Lawyers representing both sides confirmed to Cointelegraph that they expect the trial to convene on July 6. The case that has been captivating the crypto community for several years now may finally receive a resolution. On May 1, Judge Bloom, who presides over the case, issued a court order for the trial to begin on July 6. More importantly, the lawyers representing both sides confirmed that they are not planning to file any motions that could delay the trial and are eagerly looking to the opportunity to prove their case in court. The war of words between legal teams Dr. …
Bitcoin / May 4, 2020
A Roundup of Virtual Blockchain Week
Over the past week, Cointelegraph has participated in Virtual Blockchain Week — a pandemic-proof crypto conference that invited participants from all over the world to join talks with some of Blockchain’s greatest luminaries. At the start of the week, famed venture capitalist, Tim Draper, doubled down on his prediction that Bitcoin (BTC) will reach $250K per coin by 2023. “That's my prediction. Sticking with it. I'm very confident that that is going to happen.” said Draper, when pressed on the topic. He believes that massive commercial adoption around the world will send Bitcoin’s price into the stratosphere. This gels well …
Blockchain / May 3, 2020
John McAfee Is 99% Certain He Knows Who Satoshi Nakamoto Is
In an exclusive interview with Cointelegraph during Virtual Blockchain Week, privacy coin advocate, fugitive, and self-proclaimed candidate for the president of the United States, John McAfee, asserted that he knows the identity of Satoshi Nakmoto with 99% certainty. The discussion came following an eventful discussion at the conference, with McAfee rejecting COVID-19 as a government conspiracy and brandishing his AK-47 on camera. McAfee is 99% certain he knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is Speaking to Cointelegraph, McAfee described the popular belief that an individual named Satoshi designed Bitcoin as “nonsense,” stating: “It was a team of eleven people over a period …
Blockchain / May 3, 2020
Viral Scams, Steem Bribes, and Zoom Hacks: Bad Crypto News of the Week
Bitcoin has had a rough week, down around 9 percent and trading below $6,700. Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road, believes we’re in a bear market that could even take the price under $3,200. Ulbricht is serving two life sentences for money laundering, computer hacking, and conspiracy to traffic narcotics. Mike Novogratz disagrees. The famed investor and CEO of Galaxy Digital Holdings Ltd., is seeing greater adoption of Bitcoin, including among hedge funds and high-net worth individuals. He’s shorting stocks but believes “this is the time for Bitcoin.” It’s certainly time for debt. The US national debt has now …
Blockchain / April 18, 2020
Crypto Community Is Keeping Itself Entertained While on Coronavirus Lockdown
Nationwide lockdowns have become commonplace in a number of countries across the world as the global community tries to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. For weeks on end, people have had to hunker down in their homes and practice social distancing in order to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19’s spread. Setting aside the dire consequences this has had on the global economy, the situation has forced people to come up with a wide variety of ways to entertain themselves. While this lockdown may have brought a new meaning to “Netflix and chill,” even watching TV series and movies …
Bitcoin / April 18, 2020
Tax 'Fugitive' and Crypto Bull John McAfee Announces New Privacy Coin
Famed computer programmer, eccentric and cryptocurrency advocate John McAfee has announced that he is working on a privacy coin called Ghost. On April 11, McAfee tweeted that Ghost will be underpinned by a Proof-of-Stake algorithm, and will be tradable against leading cryptocurrencies via atomic swaps on the McAfeeDex decentralized exchange. “With a DEX/privacy coin combo we now have full control of our finances!” he said. Ghost privacy coin comprises McAfee’s latest crypto stunt McAfee, who claims he is wanted in the United States for tax evasion, has been a long-time advocate of cryptocurrency and a figure of controversy within the …
Technology / April 14, 2020
Ethereum Creator Picks Two Worst Bull and Bear BTC Predictions Ever Made
As the world’s biggest cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC) is highly volatile, once surging from $1,000 to $20,000 in the span of just over a year. The coin has become the subject of infinite price predictions. Both optimistic and negative, some of these predictions have turned out to be extremely inaccurate. Vitalik Buterin, the well-known co-creator of the Ethereum network and its native cryptocurrency Ether (ETH), highlighted the two worst Bitcoin price predictions ever made since the digital currency was introduced back in 2009. In an April 6 tweet, Buterin emphasized that price predictions on crypto markets are “notorious for turning out …
Bitcoin / April 6, 2020
John McAfee Offers $500 in ETH-Based DAI for Post-Apocalyptic Photos
Famed altcoin advocate John McAfee has put up a $500 reward in the Ethereum-based stablecoin DAI for the best original photo taken in the midst of the coronavirus lockdown. The sea-bound computer programmer asked for pictures of vacant highways and cities from people who are still able to leave their homes for essential supplies and activities. McAfee tweeted: “Those able to leave your homes during quarantine ... (to buy food or get medical care, etc.) ... Take photos of interesting aspects of your vacant cities, highways, etc. $500 in DAI crypto paid for the best photo (Chosen by @theemrsmcafee next …
Ethereum / April 3, 2020