Max Keiser news-Page 2
Paul Tudor Jones to Be Biggest Bitcoin Holder in 2 Years — Max Keiser
Cointelegraph Markets spoke with Wall Street veteran and host of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser, who explains the increasingly important role of Bitcoin in geopolitics amid potential “hash wars” and why he believes Paul Tudor Jones will become the biggest holder of BTC within two years. Your 200K+ follower Twitter account @maxkeiser went silent for a few months. What happened? Max Keiser: It was a software bug that froze the account for nine months. I believe it was a database contention problem. My friends at SwanBitcoin took on the challenge and sorted it out. I also sent two-dozen roses and …
Bitcoin / June 20, 2020
Robinhood Users Steal From the Rich to Fill Their Bitcoin Bags: Max Keiser
Broadcaster and renowned Bitcoin (BTC) bull Max Keiser has taken a knock on veteran investor Warren Buffett in a tweet posted on Monday. Keiser claimed that users of the popular stock and cryptocurrency trading app Robinhood had stolen Buffett’s money by capitalizing on his recent losses in the airline sector. He further suggested that the profits made on Buffett’s mistimed stock sales were being invested in Bitcoin. Stealing Buffett’s bags In early May, Buffett told shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway that he had sold all of the company’s airline stock at a huge loss due to fears that the sector would …
Bitcoin / June 8, 2020
Buffett ‘Killed His Reputation’ by Being Stupid About BTC, Says Max Keiser
Warren Buffett, the fifth-richest person on the planet, has repeatedly expressed his unfriendly stance toward Bitcoin (BTC). One of the most successful investors of all time, Buffett might be killing his reputation by being that harsh to BTC, according to one industry player. Max Keiser, famous American broadcaster and known Bitcoin bull, is confident that Buffett’s highly critical stance on Bitcoin is no good for the legendary investor. Keiser argues that it’s time to leave Buffett in the past On May 2, Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway reported a $50 billion Q1 loss, with Buffett admitting a major investor mistake. Keiser subsequently …
Bitcoin / May 4, 2020
Max Keiser: Selling Bitcoin Now for 'Fiat Debt-Coupons' Is a Crime
Bitcoin (BTC) will be the only exit from the “global reset” of finance which will allow central banks to even destroy the banking system itself. That was just one conclusion from Simon Dixon, CEO of cryptocurrency funding platform BnkToTheFuture, in the latest episode of financial news program the Keiser Report on April 7. Dixon: “World’s largest regulated Ponzi scheme” is dying Discussing the global coronavirus epidemic and its impact on global finance, Dixon warned that the health aspect of the crisis was by no means its worst. “I don’t want to be dramatic, but this is a global reset in …
Bitcoin / April 7, 2020
Gold Is ‘Toilet Paper’ for the Rich, Bitcoin for the Poor — Max Keiser
People are going to buy Bitcoin (BTC) in droves — because there will be no gold for sale due to coronavirus, Max Keiser predicts. In a recent edition of his Keiser Report news program on March 31, Keiser said that the coronavirus pandemic will push billionaires into gold as a safe haven. Keiser: people will “flock en masse” to BTC Once supplies are bought up and stockpiled, the only alternative left is Bitcoin. He summarized: “I predict — and this is not only the ultimate use case but the ultimate irony — that once people realize that they cannot get …
Bitcoin / April 2, 2020
Coronavirus Will Send Bitcoin Price to $100,000 in 2020 — Max Keiser
Bitcoin (BTC) will reach $100,000 and Jamie Dimon will be “begging” the United States Federal Reserve for money to buy some. Those were just two of the predictions from Max Keiser on March 5, as the coronavirus outbreak sees financial markets tumble again. Keiser: 2020 is “part two” of the 2008 crisis Speaking on the latest edition of his RT news magazine, The Keiser Report, the well-known Bitcoin proponent said that global panic would have a profound impact on Bitcoin uptake this year. 2020, he explained, was “part two of the global financial crisis” which originally spawned the Bitcoin whitepaper …
Bitcoin / March 5, 2020
Bitcoin Will Surge to $400K — Max Keiser Quadruples BTC Price Forecast
Bitcoin (BTC) is going to hit a giant $400,000, celebrated TV host Max Keiser has said as he raises his price target for the first time since 2012. Speaking on news information show Infowars on Feb. 17, Keiser told host Alex Jones that his old prediction of $100,000 was now too conservative. He told the show: “I am officially raising my target for Bitcoin — and I first made this prediction when it was $1, I said this could go to $100,000 — I’m raising my official target for the first time in eight years, I’m raising it to $400,000.” …
Bitcoin / Feb. 17, 2020
Portfolios With Bitcoin Allocation Outperform Traditional Investments
Bitcoin (BTC) was the best performing asset of the decade according to a recent report by Cointelegraph and earlier this week Morgan Creek Capital CEO, Mark Yusko, said that every investment portfolio should have a minimum 1% Bitcoin allocation. Yusko made the comments during an interview with Max Keiser on the Keiser Report, published on Jan. 30. Keiser also noted that portfolios with a 1% allocation to Bitcoin have also outperformed nearly all other investments of the past five years. Over the past 6 years, due to its volatile nature, many investors have taken advantage of Bitcoin’s wide price movements. …
Bitcoin / Feb. 1, 2020
1% Bitcoin No Longer ‘Crazy’ for Portfolios, Says Morgan Creek CEO
Bitcoin (BTC) represents an investment in technology and innovation, making it a must-have in any portfolio, suggested the CEO of Morgan Creek Capital, Mark Yusko, in an interview with Max Keiser on the Keiser Report, published on Jan. 30. Morgan Creek CEO: Bitcoin exposure boosts portfolios Keiser began by noting that portfolios with even 1% exposure to Bitcoin have more alpha or, in other words, have outperformed just about everything over the past five years. By definition, alpha represents the performance of a portfolio relative to a benchmark. Portfolio managers seek to generate alpha by diversifying portfolios to remove unsystematic …
Bitcoin / Jan. 31, 2020
Max Keiser: Bitcoin's First Function Is to Clean Up the Mess Left by Fiat
International journalist and media defender of Bitcoin Max Keiser gave a presentation at Labitconf in Montevideo, Uruguay, in which he explained the impact that cryptocurrencies generate in the global scenario and particularly in the Latin American region. With a talk entitled "Why Bitcoin Matters in Emerging Markets," Keiser took the stage in his casual style, with a sports jacket and shorts, but mainly with a very critical tone towards trust money and the traditional economic and financial system. Keiser stressed that Bitcoin's first function is to clean up the mess left in the world by fiat money. One of the …
Bitcoin / Dec. 12, 2019
Max Keiser: Bitcoin's First Function Is to Clean Up the Mess Left by US Dollar
Bitcoin (BTC) beats both fiat currency and gold because it does not need settlement, RT host Max Keiser has said. In the latest episode of the network’s Keiser Report on Nov. 7, the well-known Bitcoin bull explained that other forms of transactions need settlement time, but Bitcoin does not. Keiser: BTC “uniquely self-settling” This is because, in Bitcoin, the transaction and settlement are inseparable from one another. Moving BTC between wallets simply means updating a ledger, which implies instantaneous settlement as miners confirm the transactions. “There’s a lot of friction, both in paper and in gold. Bitcoin, uniquely, is self-settling …
Bitcoin / Nov. 7, 2019
Peter Schiff: China's Gold-Backed Crypto Would Be Bearish for Bitcoin
China launching a digital counterpart of the yuan backed by gold puts Bitcoin (BTC) at a disadvantage, veteran gold bug Peter Schiff claims. In a tweet on Nov. 2, Schiff, notorious for his cynicism when it comes to Bitcoin, attempted to counter criticism of his stance by Keiser report host, Max Keiser. Schiff tells Keiser: gold backing beats BTC “According to @maxkeiser I'm an idiot because I think #gold is better money than #Bitcoin,” he wrote. Schiff also repeated his oft-quoted idea that Bitcoin has no intrinsic value: “He also claims China is about to launch a crypto currency backed …
Bitcoin / Nov. 5, 2019