New Year'S Special news-Page 4
Regulatory sandbox and DeFi boom: How Spain pushed crypto adoption despite the pandemic
The year 2020 will go down in history for how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Spanish economy. Beyond that, however, there have been important events from a governmental and regulatory point of view, as well as those related to private companies and the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Cointelegraph en Español is presenting you a summary of the events that marked last year as well as highlights from various representatives of the local crypto ecosystem and opinions on what the industry can expect in 2021. January Eurocoinpay asks the Spanish Minister of Economic Affairs to regulate cryptocurrency. February In an interview on …
Adoption / Jan. 30, 2021
What lies ahead for crypto and blockchain in 2021? Experts answer
It would be fair to admit that after 2020 and all it has put us through, making any predictions for the upcoming year is most likely to be a game of blindfold. Meanwhile, I am certain that humanity has much to learn from its past transgressions, and will move forward by correcting our mistakes and weaknesses. That’s what we always do. Undoubtedly, the major driver of our development this year was the COVID-19 outbreak. The effects of the ongoing global pandemic on every aspect of our lives will form our future, and there are some tendencies we started last year …
Adoption / Jan. 4, 2021
Demystify 2021 with crypto trend predictions from the Cointelegraph crew
Another year has come and gone. The rollercoaster that was 2020 requires little (if any) preamble. It must be said, however, that the blockchain segment experienced something of a return to form during these otherwise painful latter days. Indeed, we closed the year with prices on the up, legal ambiguities increasingly dehazed, and the adoption of distributed technology at a historic apex. With these expository factors lighting our way, let us take a moment to gaze into the future, as speculatively foreseen by the staff at Cointelegraph. We asked our teammates where they saw our industry heading in 2021. The …
Technology / Jan. 2, 2021
A crypto New Year’s resolution: Modernize security infrastructure
It’s safe to say that 2020 has been a banner year for the digital-asset space. Bitcoin (BTC) soared past its previous high, and many other prominent cryptocurrencies reached their highest levels since the heyday of 2017 and early 2018. Across the financial services industry, institutional voices are expressing reinvigorated interest in digital assets. The growth and maturation of this space has been impossible to ignore, engendering plenty of optimism among those who build the platforms and systems on which it runs. Unfortunately, not all the headlines from the past year have been positive. Several well-known crypto exchanges and other organizations …
Technology / Dec. 31, 2020
Japan’s crypto market matured in 2020, but 2021 may see huge growth
In 2020, the Japanese crypto industry seems to have entered its maturation phase. With new crypto laws established in May, large exchanges have solidified their leading positions, while crypto startups and unregulated businesses have exited the market. However, it seems that a winner has not yet been declared. There are already more than 25 registered exchanges in the small nation with a population of over 100 million, but global crypto giants are just starting to enter the market. Some believe a significant industry reorganization is coming through buyouts of licensed exchanges. And with the current bull market expected to continue, …
Adoption / Dec. 30, 2020
Crypto taxes, reporting and tax audits in 2021
This year was like no other. Now that it has limped to a close and we look at the promise of a better 2021, it is time to think about taxes. Although there were many other notable things about 2020, there were some tax points to savor — and some to fear. Gains and losses It is hard to look at crypto and 2020 without commenting on gains and losses. Bitcoin (BTC) ballooned in price, making a lot of investors happy. Of course, if you had taken short positions, you are less content. And if you were invested in XRP, …
Blockchain / Dec. 28, 2020
The pandemic year ends with a tokenized carbon cap-and-trade solution
It has been a blazing start to a new decade, with 13% more large, uncontrolled wildfires around the world this year compared with 2019. This has spelled dire consequences for CO2 levels, which have made worse a terrible COVID-19 pandemic that has led to unprecedented worldwide lockdowns that have rapidly pushed the economy toward digitization. Related: How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the crypto space? Experts answer As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have been forced to focus on integrating blockchain technology into their financial services. At the 75th anniversary of the United Nations General …
Technology / Dec. 27, 2020
Adoption, scams and regulator FUD: 2020’s biggest crypto disappointments
While 2020 has been a landmark year for the crypto space, there have been a few notable letdowns. Despite the growing mainstream acceptance of virtual currencies, some governments are still creating policies that stifle innovation, placing their countries at a disadvantage in the emerging digital economy. Decentralized finance was a major talking point going into the year, and the market segment did not disappoint, with massive growth in investment throughout 2020. However, rogue actors continuously deployed elaborate scams, riding on DeFi hype to fleece victims. Apart from that, several projects suffered opportunistic profiteering attacks with flash loan exploits and arbitrage, …
Adoption / Dec. 26, 2020
Top crypto mining hardware to expect in 2021
At the beginning of this unusual and sometimes difficult year, the cryptocurrency world reminisced about the crypto mining boom and whether it was now over. But soon, the fears were washed away as large companies registered on Nasdaq expressed clear interest in mining Bitcoin (BTC) for additional earnings. It has been said more than once that this year’s sharp rise in mining is directly related to the significant increase in cryptocurrency prices. During the summer, Bitcoin could be bought at just above $10,000; now, it’s priced at well over double the amount. Altcoins are not lagging behind, either. Ether (ETH) …
Blockchain / Dec. 25, 2020
Gifting crypto to loved ones this holiday? Educate them first
The mainstream has taken a growing interest in cryptocurrency as the price of Bitcoin (BTC) continues to reach all-time highs. To put this interest into perspective, researchers at the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance recently found that 101 million people across the globe currently hold Bitcoin and other digital assets. The report states that in 2018, findings estimated the number of identity-verified digital asset users to be about 35 million globally. With such growth underway, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that crypto holders would get the idea of gifting cryptocurrency this holiday season. Social distancing requirements amid the pandemic …
Adoption / Dec. 23, 2020
Top crypto adoption predictions that came true in 2020
Throughout the past decade, a lot has been said about Bitcoin (BTC) and the future of cryptocurrencies. However, 2020 has so far been a defining year for the industry as current events bring to life what was predicted in the past. The world of cryptocurrency has historically been exclusive to Twitter battles and private chats on Telegram. Even when Bitcoin received its brief moment of fame on mainstream media, mentions of the token were mostly in dismissal of its potential, with some prominent individuals calling the entire industry a scam soon to burst. However, the tide of the turbulent relationship …
Adoption / Dec. 12, 2020
Painting a Different Picture: How Digital Artists Use Blockchain
Following its inception, blockchain technology quickly found an application in the art sector, making art objects more accessible while changing methods and approaches to their creation and perception. This gave new opportunities for collectors, art galleries, museums, art brokers and artists. Brief introduction to the history of blockchain technology in the art world Projects such as CryptoKitties and CryptoPunks were among the first examples of visual blockchain art. The combination of blockchain technology and art is used not only for registering and collecting data about pieces of art but could also constitute a hub for creative artists around the world. …
Adoption / March 4, 2020